Ash Wednesday Digital Service
/Hey everyone! Our Ash Wednesday service had to be canceled tonight because of snow, but that doesn’t have to stop us from engaging in this historical practice together. ( apart together haha) Below I have done a mini video teaching that I planned to share at the service. There is also another video linked below that I planned to show. Finally, there is a worksheet with some different prayer and reflection exercises that go along with the videos! Enjoy! I pray God blesses your time listening and participating!
Ash Wednesday Prayer and Reflection
Write a psalm:
Read psalm 51 Pray that God could help you relate to the words of the psalm.
Read it once more.
Spend a moment thinking through the aspects of the psalm to which you can relate.
Walk through the psalm and rewrite it in your own words.
Try to focus especially on the parts to which you most relate.
Try to include specific sins which are brought to mind and specific requests for God’s forgiveness and restoration in those areas.
Tie and Untie knots:
Read psalm 51
Find a piece of string (shoelace works)
Pray to God that you could recall the areas you have sinned or fallen short and the areas of your life that you want to see God change.
If it is helpful, give yourself a time limit to think about (the last month for example)
Give yourself a while to allow things to come to mind.
For each thing that comes to mind, tie a knot loosely in the string to represent it.
After you have finished tying knots, go back through the sting, and for each knot pray that God would forgive you for that sin and help you to see change in your life.
If you like, for each knot you can pray Psalm 52: 1-2 and 10-12.
Thank God for the new life you can have in him because of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection.
Preparation for the season of Lent:
The season of Lent provides a good opportunity for us to intentionally pursue God in preparation for easter. Spend time thinking through ways that you could engage this season of Lent in meaningful ways. Here are some questions to help:
We spoke about fasting in Lent as a way of removing something to make room for one thing. What is something you feel would be helpful for you to remove, even for a time? Think about things that pull your time away from God. Think about things you rely on other than God.
How could you practically “remove” or partially remove this from your life for the season of Lent?
What could you do to fill the space this will provide? Think about ways you can encounter God. Consider doing something that draws you to reflection and repentance, such as the activities above. Consider doing something that inspires thankfulness and gratitude for God. Note: If you have a desire, but no place to begin, who could you ask for help with ideas for how to spend your time? Think about what you would like your time to produce and make a plan to talk with a friend or leader who could guide you in finding a spiritual practice.