Our Vision for the Future

Vision is a clear picture of where we believe God is leading. Of course it's never a completely accurate picture, because there are surprises, obstacles, and opportunities that come along that we never could predict. But when a church discerns and communicates a vision, it can bring synergy and clarity to its efforts. Vision helps to unite teams, direct expenditures, allot time, and focus efforts.

This past Sunday we shared our vision for Muskoka Community Church (click here for the handout). It involves a long term vision, to become the hands and feet of Jesus in every community across Muskoka and Almaguin. It involves a short term vision, to get better at making disciples in 2018. It involves some other steps along the way (in the near and distant future), like hiring an additional staff member, working on support systems, launching small groups, and experimenting with different models. And it involves a price tag, which is represented by the budget that Leadership Team presented (click here for the budget handout).

However, the most important part of a vision is not how well-articulated it was, how certain the leaders are, how much it costs, or how many people came to the meeting. The most essential aspect of this kind of vision is buy-in: we need to know that we're all in it together, that the whole congregation is affirming this direction and prepared to do their part to make it happen. We want this vision to be planted in hearts, and come to naturally and persistently bear fruit over the coming months and years.


If you're a part of MCC, we need to know if you're in this with us, so please:

  • Take the time to watch the presentation (above), and read through the handouts (if you weren't there on Sunday).
  • Pray about what you've heard/read. Ask God to give you a sense of whether this is the direction he has for us, and ask him about the role he has for you to play in it.
  • If you have questions, feel free to click here to email them to the Leadership Team (Jeremy, Lynda, Paul, Mike, Mark), or the Finance Team (Mike, Barb), or Jeremy.
  • When you have sufficiently thought and prayed, before February 28, please click here to fill out our quick online survey to let us know where you're at, and how you're feeling.

At this point the vision is really just a a draft that we're looking for feedback on. Once we get the affirmation (or correction) of the many people who make up MCC, we will proceed at full speed ahead. Until then, it's on probation, waiting to hear what God's Spirit has to to say through you. Thank you for joining with us in this process!